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Who Is Sheikh Saud As Shuraim???


Saud Ash Shuraym is the Imam of the Holy Mosque in Makkah. It is a sacred duty. In the Muslims, all over the world, there is a huge respect for the Imam of the Holy Mosque. I like his recitation a lot. However, my favorite reciter of the verses of Holy Quran is Imam Abdur Rahman Al-Sudais. Let us share some lesser known facts about Imam Al-Shuraim.
He suffered orphanage in childhood
His full name is Saud ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Al-Shuraim.
He was born on January 19, 1964, in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. He belongs to Sunni Hanbali School of thought. His family is from the Haraqees of the BanuZayd clan of Saudi Arabia.
He memorized the Quran in the last years of his secondary school
He completed his school firstly from Areen elementary school, then for secondary schooling from Modern schools and for high schooling he went to Al Yarmouk North high school in 1983
He graduated in the year 1988 from Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. In 1992 he did Master’s and in 1995 Ph.D. degree from the Umm al-Quran University of Mecca.
After being graduated, he became the part of the High Institute of Magistracy
In 1991, the King of Saudi Arabia King Fahd nominated him as the Imam of Masjid al-Haram
He was selected as Imam when he was only 25 years of age. He delivered his first sermon in the month of Shawwal and it was the first Friday of the month.
In the year 1992, he was appointed as a judge of High Court of Makah
He has served in Umm ulQura University as a Professor since 1995, Later he was appointed as the dean of the department of “Shariah and Islamic Studies”. In June 2010, the President of the University Dr. Bakri bin Mat'ooqwas promoted him from the position of the professor to the specialist professor in fiqh.
He is not only the Imam of the Holy Mosque but also a deep researcher in fiqh, a judge, and an author who has written many books on Aqedah, Fiqh, and Arabic poetry.
He is one of the most much-admired reciters of the Holy Qur’an. He is also famous for his heart touching style of recitation of the Holy Quran and his voice. Since 1991, he is leading the Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan in Grand Mosque.
He played an important part in the war of terrorism and strongly makes it clear that Bomb blasts, suicide attacks, and terrorism are completely against the teaching of Quran and Sunnah.
Saud Al-Shuraim condemns violence and bloodshed in Egypt, declares Egyptian martial government as followers of Pharaoh
Moreover, his sermons are often delivered according to the circumstances/current affairs.
About his personal life, he stated about is a mother with his shine of respect and love in his eyes that his mother raised him with great affection and love as his father died in his childhood. And about his wife, he said that she is the person who is there for me in good or bad times and proved herself as the best companion
He traveled a lot. The list of travels is long. He delivered lectures in the countries on an official invitation like Britain, Scotland, Indonesia, South Africa, Rais Al-Khayma, Sharjah, Qatar, India)
Sheikh Saud bin Ibrahim Al Shuraim is Imam and Khateeb of Masjid al Haram. He is a very well-known personality of the Islamic world. He is a dignified researcher in fiqh, a judge, and a poet, he has many trips in many countries, he is a good writer, and has written many books on aqida etc. The recitation of Holy Quran in his melodious voice is very famous.


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