Sadness is Temporary
Despite trials and
tribulations, Islam commands us to stay patient and seek happiness in the
darkest of times. There is a sign in the transient nature of life. The effect
of tragedy is as shortlived as a momentary smile. The final rewards are with
Allah and are saved for the Day of Judgement. What are we but creations at
test, entirely dependent on Allah alone, the Controller of our affairs, the
Provider of everything, the One with Ultimate Authority over all. As stated in
verse 29 of Surah ar-Rahman:
Whosoever is in the heavens and
on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring
forth (such as giving honour to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to
some, etc.)!
Stay Strong During Adversity
Faith is the only candle that
can keep our hearts warm and show us the right way. By lifting the veil of
sadness, we can experience the beauty of happiness.
History has proven that the
people most loved by Allah have encountered the most severe challenges. As a result,
we can seek inspiration by studying the lives of Prophets (peace be upon them),
learning about the pains inflicted upon them, and their great strength at the
face of trials.
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Follow The Quran
It is mentioned in verse 28 of
Surah ar-Ra’ad:
Truly, in the remembrance of
Allah do hearts find rest.
And then in verse 05 of Surah
Truly, with every difficulty,
there is relief.
With the realization that our
time is limited on earth, we can make the best of our presence. The quest of
knowledge is must for every Muslim. By keeping ourselves busy, sadness won’t
find a way to leap into our hearts. A disciplined and balanced approach between
this world and the Hereafter is an ideal way to live and every small effort is
praiseworthy. Excessive sadness might open the door of ingratitude and
depression, making us prone to physical, mental, social and psychological
health issues. Allah constantly reminds us in Surah ar-Rahman:
So which is it, of the favours
of your Lord, that ye deny?
Thus for a practising Muslim,
love for Allah must be strong enough to keep him/her away from dark clouds of
Let our smiles prove our faith
and reliance on Allah Alone.
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