Second Ashra – Days Of
Forgiveness is to do Astaghfaar
for all sins committed so far by Muslims especially in the second Ashra of
Ramadan and to repent unto Allah. Do Astaghfaar, feel sorry, desist from
committing it again, and make sure not to fall for the same sin again.Dua for
the second Ashra is:
Translation: “I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, from
every sin I committed”
– Days Of Maghfirah
These are the days of Maghfirah
and in the mid of Ramadan Allah’s forgiveness is at peak. He forgives only
those who prostrate in front of Him with ashamed spirit and pledge in heart not
to do the same again ever. Do Tauba as Allah loves those who repent on their
sins, verily He is the only forgiver.
– Be Kind – Forgive All
While you are asking for
Allah’s forgiveness in this Ashra make sure that you do the same to our fellow
Muslims by adopting alike trait of your Lord and let forgive them for all their
deliberate mistakes.
Your blog is Owsome. This is very nice and informative blog. Ramadan Dua Day 1