Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has called on the world to help
Rohingya children living in refugee camps after fleeing death at the hands of
Burmese forces late last year.
In a Twitter
post, the four-time Champions League winner published two pictures: one showing
him surrounded by his four children, and the second depicting a barefoot
refugee holding an infant.
“One world
where we all love our children. Please help. #Rohingya #Refugee,” he wrote,
adding a link to a page by nonprofit Save the Children where people can make
online donations to the cause.
The Rohingya
Crisis Children’s Relief Fund will help provide refugee children and families
with water, food, and shelter.
The Rohingya
are a stateless Muslim minority in Burma’s Rakhine state, thought to number
about 1 million people.
Burma does
not recognize them as citizens or as one of the 135 recognized ethnic groups
living in the country.
Since Aug.
25, more than 650,000 Rohingya have crossed from Burma’s western state of
Rakhine into Bangladesh, according to the UN.
The refugees
are fleeing a military crackdown in which security forces and Buddhist mobs
have reportedly killed men, women, and children, looted homes, and torched
Rohingya villages.
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