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Guinness World Record of largest drinking water reservoir in Jeddah

Saudi Arabia is a land which is full of natural resources like oil and gold but on the other hand, they are facing a shortage of clean water for drinking purpose. Water reservoir facilities are required to be constructed in Saudi Arabia because water got mixed with oil due to which the taste and smell of water are not healthy to drink.

Another problem is its growing population which has been stated by the Arab news in 2013 that population rose from to 1.4 million in 1986. In 1993, the population increased to 2 million and 3.2 million in 2010. It is expected that it will increase in future.

At Briman, Jeddah, there is the largest drinking water reservoir which is declared “the world largest drinking water storage facility” by Guinness Book of World Records.

Simon White, Atkins’ technical director, and the design manager says, the project roughly costs $200M and has also received a highly praised award for an amazing global design project at the British Expertise International Awards 2015 and the National Water Company (NWC) Saudi Arabia key project award in 2016.

This will help in supplying drinking water to a million of residents living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It has a capacity of 2.064 million cubic meters. The CEO of NWC stated that this reservoir will not only help in supplying water but will also improve the clean water and the drainage system.

This is also appreciated by the Emir and Ministry of Saudi Arabia. The accomplishment has been recorded in the Guinness Book of world records by replacing the previous entry of 1.8 million cubic meters. There are 11 cylindrical reservoirs which have been manufactured under this project.

Every tank is 120m in diameter and 18m in height and are same as to 800 Olympic sized swimming pools.  Each tank has a capacity to store water of 188 thousand cubic meters at a cost of more than SR 740 million.

The first phase of the project was made especially by NWC which has been supplying clean water to the residents of Jeddah for about two years now and everything is going perfectly.

The NWC has already signed a contract for phase two and three of the project, which will increase to 2 million cubic meters. The second phase will be applied in the Briman area and the third in the Faisaliah area of Jeddah at a cost of SR 824 million.

This project is the first project in Jeddah which was taken as an essential solution to supply water and overcome the major challenges to the water sector in Jeddah.

The company is now working on the completion of measures to begin the fourth and fifth phases with a capacity of one million cubic meters of each phase of water storage projects.

This water reservoir project is going to provide secure water in emergency cases and changeable situations to the population. This is a great achievement for all the team members who are linked to this project.


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